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Sunday, 4 November 2012

4th November, 2012

Beautiful sunny weather after yesterday's debacle! The temperature was down to 3 degrees this morning- but that didn't stop people enjoying a lovely afternoon at the Abbey. We are back to school tomorrow, so will only be visiting on Saturdays and Sundays until Christmas holidays!!

An E type Jaguar pulled in to the carpark whilst we were there could hear it long before you could see it! It was immaculate!

Frankie isn't keen on going over the railway crossing because he is worried about safety, but we could hear a train approaching as we got to the crossing today, so he waited on the other side of the gate until it was well past us!

Frankie thinks that the lichen on this stone looks like a skull, and he mentions it every time we walk past. If you look more closely, you can see a face and a bird in there too!

I forget sometimes that most of the land around here, and the footpaths that we use, belong to farms, and belonged to farmers right through the ages. It's great to live in a sizeable town like Barrow, but to be able to see pastoral scenes like this within a short distance of the town centre.
We didn't want to come home this afternoon, it was so lovely out in the sunshine.... but look what is waiting for us up in the 'Keswicks'!! More posts next weekend (some of us have to work you know!!).

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