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Saturday, 17 November 2012

17th November, 2012

A mellow Saturday afternoon in Autumn, away from all the hustle and bustle of Portland Walk!
The trees are looking rather bare down here now, and it is very wet and muddy underfoot. The temperature was about 11 degrees whilst we were down here today, which is quite mild for late Autumn. We met Tom Burrows when we came down today (AKA Percy the Park Keeper according to Frankie!). He visits most weekends and is a mine of information about the site because he was groundsman here for *** years! Here he is enjoying a cup of coffee and admiring HIS Abbey!
There was also a group of people being shown around the site by Iain McNicoll, Tom thought one of the guys sang in the Mystery Plays performed here in the '80's. The Red River is very high at the moment, but still no sign of the heron!

Last of the fungi and even a Michaelmas Daisy hanging on before this 'worst winter for 100 years' that the newspapers are predicting! We're okay because we have the Land Rover now!!

The sun was actually going down when we left at three o'clock today, and this scene looks different again!

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