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Friday, 2 November 2012

2nd November, 2012

Moody skies again today!

A dog decided to get in the photos today- what you can't see is it's owner calling it furiously from just outside the gate, but it had tasted freedom and it was off! Windy, blustery day today, with intermitant hailstone showers and temperatures of around 6 degrees.
Frankie moans when he has to come out of the house and leave his xbox, but he seems to be enjoying himself here, and below, posing with his dad's Landrover!

There is a lot of lichen on the trees that grow over that sandstone escarpment inside the ampitheatre- some of the trees look like they are dead apart from the lichen. I'm not sure if it only grows on non living surfaces??

Have you noticed this little gate when walking at the Abbey- it does tempt you to go through it-I'm not sure if it is unlocked. This old conker tree is growing just beside it, but it is way too late for there to be any conkers on the ground now.
As we were leaving today, the hailstones started to pelt down- poor sheep (but they don't seem to mind!).
We did try to get inside the Abbey today, as it seemed to have been open on the previous two days, but it was closed. Hopefully it will be open tomorrow...?

It is a nice walk through the grounds at the back of Abbey House and down into the Abbey. It is a shame that the Abbey Tavern doesn't look more welcoming at the bottom of these stairs, it is quite derilict now.

1 comment:

  1. What time where you there, you would of found a very different Abbey Tavern this morning as I was photograhing Clarksons coaches fleet there
