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Saturday, 3 November 2012

3rd November, 2012...After the deluge!!

This photo was taken at 11am at the bottom of the ampitheatre!!

We did wonder if it was ever going to get light this morning- we were in Tesco at 9am and the sky was almost black. We finally got to the Abbey at 11am, after hail storms and torrential rain had subsided a bit!
This is what was left behind! I bet the people who own this house get sick of the whole of Barrow's flood water ending up in their front garden.

The rain leaves behind a mess but it does allow for some pretty photographs!.We spotted the heron again, but it was behind the railway lines on the river and we were in front, so by the time we got across the lines and throught the gates, it was gone!

We did manage to go inside the Abbey today, and said a brief hello to Gill Jepson, who was in the museum chatting to the girl who works on the counter. Frankie couldn't wait to go paddling- infact, we've had to go and buy him some new wellies since these photos were taken, as he completely flooded the ones he is wearing! The ground is so sodden every where that nothing seems to drain away for ages- our back garden is just the same, but the blackbirds and sparrows like to bathe in all the muddy pools!

The Red River was very high this morning, and it looked as though it would over flow these tunnels at any minute. You have to wonder what it must have been like for the monks who resided here, especially in the heart of a wet winter.

I know the Chapter House would have had a roof on back in the Tudor era, but how has this pool formed under the stone arch??

It is no wonder that the presbytery is subsiding and needs underpinning- the water table is filled to the brim! Another wet half-term holiday, but at least it allowed for some lovely photos!

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