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Saturday, 24 November 2012

24th November, 2012

It's very quiet down here today, calm after Thursday's torrential weather. A watery sun is peeping through the now bare trees and the rotten leaves are strewn everywhere, looking like they have been deliberately scattered. You have to wonder how long the Abbey can stand if it's foundations are saturated, which they must be by now.
We managed to photograph one of the blue- jays that nest down here, and also this poor woodpigeon that looks fed up of searching for food. We have six of them that feed off our small bird table at home, although they struggle to hold their flight whilst they manoever from perching on the bird table roof onto the flat bit underneath. They like peanuts, and seem to tell all their friends to come if we put some out!

There is a skinny tabby cat that is always hanging around the railway cottage (maybe it lives there) and it moans at us every time we cross the railway lines. It looks hungry, but you never know with cats... there are plenty of small birds around for it to snack on.

The Red River level is still extremely high today and there seems to have been more slippage onto, the railway line from the banking up by the second gate. It looks like the coucil have been up here on Friday and put up a barrier to stop stuff shifting, but it looks like there will be a major problem if it rains again tomorrow...?

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