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Monday, 30 May 2016

30th May, 2016...Flower power at Furness Abbey! buffet done, wedding done, hospital visiting done....time to head off for a walk to Furness Abbey, which looked beautiful in the early summer sunshine!

The maythorn is in full bloom, and the whole place if full of blossom and flowers.....

...our garden looks lovely at this time of year too....

....and half-term holidays as well....doesn't get much better than that!!! (It's just as well we are all on a week's break....the kids were so tired, and we didn't have much left in the tank either!!)

So, cup of tea at Abbey Mill Café, then off to explore the meadows and hedgerows.....

...glorious English countryside...can't beat it!

Another stunning bride and wonderful venue for the SteveHillman camera this weekend.....

....she went to Greengate as a kid, as did her was lovely to see how their lives have evolved since they left our school.....'s quite the maddest school in town!!!! (well, it was 'Wear-it-Wild' day after all!!!)

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