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Sunday, 12 June 2016

12th June, 2016...Flaming June!

Phew!! Hot or what!! Last Monday was as hot as we've known it in was almost impossible and I was convinced the children's brains would be boiled that afternoon in the classroom! Look what happened yesterday though.....

....the parched gardens and fields certainly needed it! Saturday morning in Barrow had a nautical theme this week, with the Royal Navy parade, and the chance to go on board HMS Ramsey, a minesweeper that put into the docks at Morrisons for the weekend...

....we were on board when we spied our crafty old pal and gave him a wave!!

Carrying on the nautical theme, we headed over to the Dock Museum to avoid the torrential rain...

...and spent a pleasant hour looking at all things 'vintage' with some of my colleagues and the soothing voice of Andy from The Sidecars!

Some great Sinatra numbers...I'd forgotten how much I liked him (did name my son in his honour, after all!).

Vintage canvas for us this summer!!

So...Sunday arrived, and after packing up the Landrover for a fun week of 'forest' activities, we gave
my little Fiesta a final run out (new one arrives this week!) to Furness Abbey.....

...looking lovely and green, despite this week's heat...

...some lovely rhododendrons in Abbot's Wood at the moment..

The tee-pees that were never going to be allowed in Abbey House's grounds again, have reappeared!!

And thanks to the tireless work of GJ and the Abbey Crusader/ FAF groups, this view will be preserved for future generations...the building planning appeal was rejected...hooray!!!

Happy Birthday for tomorrow to Grandad Raymond...80+ tomorrow and still full of cheek!

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