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Saturday, 14 May 2016

14th May, 2016....A sunny Saturday after the 'Silly Season'!!

Glorious weather for at least a week now.......the daft SATs are over for another year, and the administrative errors (not from schools or teachers!) couldn't be invented....and we are still in defiance of the Secretary of State for Education, because she now insists that we shouldn't have any 'celebrations' after the tests....too late! We had a wonderful afternoon full of ice cream and fun with our year six children at Furness Abbey...we're not sorry either Nicky!!!

Myself and my colleagues are extremely proud of how our year six children have handled the year of educational whims (not least the ridiculous test text on 'bare back giraffe riding'), so we are moving on!!! Beautiful weather at Furness Abbey today too....'s really worth a visit down here at the moment....all that rain through autumn and winter, and everything is blooming!

Cute little bullocks in the meadow today...and not at all shy...

....but the beck water levels have fallen dramatically since last week!

The SteveHillman camera very busy at the venue last weekend...Holbeck Ghyll....

...lovely views from the grounds! His favourite venue tomorrow....

...The Grange Hotel.....

...don't we live in a wonderful county!!

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