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Monday, 2 May 2016

2nd May, 2016...Blossom abounds...!

What a disastrous Bank Holiday weekend, weather wise...we've sat for two days, looking out at the rain- I even went in to work this morning to put up a couple of displays- but finally this afternoon, the sun came out so we headed off to Furness Abbey, to see if there were any other signs of the impending season...

...plenty of early spring flowers and blossom.....
....and the bluebells and harebells are in full bloom at the back of Abbey House!
I would love to own a garden like that of Abbey House....there are some stunning vantage points....
...perfect setting for wedding photographs....which reminds me.....
STEVE HILLMAN HAS HAD A WEDDING BOOKING CANCELLATION FOR 23RD JULY he has this prime Saturday available, and can be flexible, if you know anyone who might be interested!!!
Remind me not to fight over sticks with Frankie....he's too big now!!
There's a heat wave coming, according to John Hammond!!!

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