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Sunday, 2 February 2014

2nd February, 2014...New faces at Furness Abbey!!

It turned into a beautiful afternoon, so after a lovely Sunday roast courtesy of The Bay Horse in Barrow, we headed out for a walk..!


Very busy down here today...can't blame people for wanting to escape their houses,especially after the week of torrential rain we've had. Poor Walney got hammered again yesterday I heard!

Gosh.. I'm looking did I end up with an eleven year old son!! I do have a twenty- nine year old daughter as well, and she was down here with her friend Anna, who is over from Sweden, and she was so impressed with Furness Abbey!! You may remember Rosie's acoustic group April Maybe May, and their song Girl Next Door (excellent in my opinion)...well the song was about Anna, if you's the  Link!! 
We also had a lovely surprise as we were walking friend and colleague Mrs. J was taking a Sunday afternoon Abbey stroll with her husband too! Watch out Greengate...we are energised for a busy week of learning and FUN now!!
We don't usually let people see us in our Sunday afternoon wear!!
I thought this photo would resonate with all the Iron Man fans out is just like the moment when he comes over the hill and creeps up on Hogarth!!
There are a few signs down here that spring is on its way....Mr H, as usual, sees a Land Rover Defender and wants one!!!
And you would need one to get up and down the drive of this little Fiesta wouldn't make it up the first few metres!!


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