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Sunday, 26 January 2014

26th January, 2014...Furness Abbey and Dalton, the ancient capital of Furness!

The weather forecasters were 'spot on' today, so we had our wellies at the ready at mid-day, and sure enough...the rain stopped.

It was totally soaking down here today though...!
Someone had even ditched their Vans and decided to go barefoot instead!!
We spotted some very hungry long-tailed tits at the bird table today, and also had a fleeting glimpse of the Little Egret before it was disturbed in its fishing antics!
Oh, and Mr.W's class have made some woodland creatures that would fit in well with the nature down here!!!!

We had a walk up around the Castle area of Dalton today too!The castle is a 14th-century peel tower, owned by the National Trust now I think. It was constructed by the monks of Furness Abbey for the protection of the nearby town, and was the building from which the Abbot administered the area and dispensed justice. There are some interesting buildings around here aren't there!
And it got 'Idle Jack' out for a walk too!! Who wants to vegetate on a sofa, gaming all the time any way (ME!! says a little voice!).
There are some little signs that spring is on its way....although we haven't even had ONE of those crisp winters days with dazzling sunshine and your breath coming out in clouds...what happened to those I wonder??
Lots of bouncing hail storms- predicted for this week.....Abbey House tomorrow with my colleague, so school will just have to function WITHOUT us (Ha ha....TEAM GREENGATE will cope I'm sure, as long as it doesn't SNOW!!)

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