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Sunday, 5 January 2014

5th january, 2014....back to school Blues!!!

A cold, wet day and Frankie REALLY doesn't want to go back to school tomorrow, even though he has had a new haircut, especially for the occasion!!
As always, I am looking forward to returning to work, although our kids don't start until TUESDAY... our staff are all attending a conference at Furness College tomorrow, with Sir Tim Brighouse and the OTHER David Cameron, so it should be interesting! Very quiet down here today...some iron shepherds did turn up later tho'!
To add to the mystery of the heron, we saw this ghost version flying overhead is definitely a different one, but I didn't realise there was a white variation....unless it's not a heron??
No, it's not a seagull...zoom in on the photo and you will see! I was listening to Sir David King (the minister for climate change) talking on the radio this morning. The presenter was trying to pin him down to say that climate change was the direct cause of all the supposed freak weather we have been having in the last two or three years, but he wouldn't be pinned down. I agree with him in some ways....I can remember being about five, and living in Woodstock, in Oxfordshire, and my mum having to dig us out of the house because of three or four feet of snow. Also, when we first moved to Barrow, I recall my dad taking us all for a walk from West Shore to Biggar Bank during the Christmas holidays, and the waves crashing over us up on the walk way (my dad was mad like that!) so this type of weather isn't brand new for the 2000's is it??!
Trees have been snapped off by the freak weather for thousands of years, I suspect! Trees were here before benches!
Frankie spotted a hungry dipper fishing in the river today, and finally managed to raise a smile!!

We were woken by this lovely sunrise at about 7.30am, photo taken from our bedroom window...'Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning...' said my mother!!!!

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