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Sunday, 9 February 2014

9th February, 2014...Freezing wind blowing in from the Irish Sea!

It's dry...!!! But the wind is bitter-nothing was going to stop us getting out and about today, as we feel like we are living in a cave at the moment. Work by 7.30am and home around 5pm means that you don't get much day light...thank goodness for the weekends!

Oh dear...someone has had a disaster with their car...good old RAC!
Frank has been hankering after one of these checked jacket thingys for weeks (HANKering  is exactly the right word for it too!!). He looks like he has escaped from the Beverly Hillbillies!!
A very hungry bullfinch followed us around today, and I think this other bird is a Great Tit???
We wanted to stay out in the sun for as long as possible, so headed over to the Dock Museum for a blast of sea air, and boy was it a blast...straight off the Irish Sea and FREEZING!
Hank again!! A lovely metal sculpture has appeared since we were last here with our Greengate year six children a couple of months ago...a few more of these and the Dock Museum will be rivalling Morecambe promenade for sculptures!
What a change in the Barrow skyline in the last few months....
... and look at the new housing estate on the Vickerstown School site!!!
North Scale and the prom hold some good memories for me, as I guess they do for a lot of Walneyites of my era....sailing from the old Barrow Sailing Club building, a bag of chips and a walk home to the 'Scale on summer (1976!) evenings...carefree days!!!
Steve Hillman was semi-impressed with the Digital Photography exhibition on the middle floor of the Dock Museum... I was very impressed, but what do I know (have you seen some of my ipad photos-they're terrible!). We both liked the photos of the lifeboat on the slip way at Roa Island, so well done that photographer...praise from SteveHillmanphotography is praise indeed!!
Walked and talked with some great people this week, we've played about with tepees and rockets and sock monkeys...thanks to those people, many of whom are our next generation!!

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