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Friday, 21 February 2014

20/21st February, 2014....A blustery half term!

Sunday was well and truly 'the end' of the nice break in the weather. The last couple of days have been business as usual...heavy grey skies, freezing winds and parkas at the ready. Both SteveHillman weddings last weekend were sodden...poor brides (but I don't think they cared too much!). Our wedding day was soaking wet and my white fabric shoes were grey by the end!!

Quiet down here today, but we decided to sit outside Abbey Mill in the rain and have our lunch anyway!
Can't beat chicken nuggets out in the open air...according to Frank!
Finally, the daffodils are opening down here....but our favourite 'orange lichen' tree has been uprooted by either wind or water, not sure which!
That rocky escarpment inside the amphitheatre is quite could hide a body in there and no one would ever find can tell Elly Griffiths has a new book out...I'm getting dragged into her plots again (Recommend The Outcast Dead to all fans of thriller/crime novels!)
We have no problems locating the giant greedy jay...he's always hanging around the cottage bird table...I'd love to see one come down in my garden, but I think they need very tall trees and we don't have any...(oh, and thanks Mr. was a nuthatch we saw last week!!)
The black sheep of the family!!!
We also took a walk up to blustery How Tun Woods, just as a heavy storm was closing in, and BOY did it rain!!
It is a lovely walk though, and underneath the trees, the scrubland has been cleared so the views through the wood itself are stunning.
This is near Woodsie Mansions....didn't there used to be a tower of some kind here? A water tower? Right at the top of the old part of Hawcoat? I've scoured the Internet and can't find anything much about it, except an old map locating it??
Another half term over...poor Frank....!
And for all of you out there who have a SteveHillmanPhotography wedding booked this year.....he will still be wearing this suit!!!!

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