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Sunday, 24 February 2019

24th February, 2019.... Floral end to February!

It was such a beautiful morning, even the tulips were opening up....we had to head down to Furness Abbey to enjoy the crisp, clear air.....

Frankie really didn't want to walk with us though- not cool being seen out with 'the olds'!!

It may have been early, but it was very busy at Abbey Mill Café....

...lots of running groups around at the moment- really supportive of the 'Mile for Mental Health' running group that friends and colleagues are involved in- finally the stigma is shrinking!

And what a beautiful venue for running- the Furness countryside!

On the walk back we thought we'd try and 'snap' as many flowers as we could see, blooming in this warm spell of weather....

Take a look at the beautiful How Tun Woods at the moment too....

...stunning display of purple crocuses up there...well worth a walk!

Back to work tomorrow!

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