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Sunday, 24 March 2019

24th March, 2019.....Manic March!

In the last blog, at the end of February, we were pretty chilled out in the beautiful sunshine- finally after a frantic few weeks Mad March is coming to an end and we've almost fitted everything in- just a DIAMOND wedding anniversary and Mothering Sunday to all our usual 'end-of-term' events-Cumbria Education Authority has now fixed the Easter break to the first two weeks in April, regardless of when Easter actually falls, so we've got to do all our usual stuff this week- and Easter is nowhere to be seen!!!

It did look beautiful at Furness Abbey this morning in the early sunshine....

….a walk down here always re charges our batteries!! Lots of energy burnt off down here earlier in the week too, by some of our lovely staff and pupils...

...rolling down the side of the amphitheatre has been a 'thing' as long as I've lived in Barrow (49 years!).

Always time for a little fun at Abbey Mill Café.....

…..and some of Jackie's delicious cake! Talking of 49 years ago....this photo was taken just after we moved to Cumbria (brother number two wasn't even born!)Happy Birthday to my first brother, that's me and him holding hands outside Beatrice Potter's house- 51 tomorrow!!

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