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Sunday, 17 February 2019

17th February, 2019.....Spring is in the air!

We've had some lovely weather this week, and had to stare longingly out of the window at it...and finally, half-term is here and we can get some 'OUTDOORS'!

And BREATHE!!!! Talking of which, we had some fab 'Well being' training earlier in the week, from Hester Binge- was really interesting and I so wish someone had explained things like this to me in my twenties...kind of understand now the need to be out in nature in serene places- it's not just for vegetarian ex-hippies like me though!!

This little guy followed us along the Abbey path, whilst there were bird 'turf wars' up above...

Really, really grateful for a week away from's been a brilliant six weeks since the New Year but SO intense.....

...met Rick Middleton from More Music
…….and that was a bonus; joined in with The Lost words...….

….met wizards and owls.....


...and wore multi-coloured wellies...

….and had numerous 'up the Lakes' trips.....

….yep, it's all about walking, nature and music with us!!

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