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Sunday, 13 December 2015

13th December, 2015.....Furness Abbey cats and film stars on Christmas trees!

Phew...that was one of the most difficult weeks of my life...and the best fun!! I couldn't write a Christmas Show without mentioning Furness Abbey.....indeed, it had a whole scene, with the hippy 'peace and love' cat gang living there....and my colleague wrote a lovely Furness Abbey song, about communities that last!

We all feel as though we are living in a cave at the moment, never seeing daylight...but with the weather we have been having, I don't think there's been any daylight has there....the flooding in Lakeland was horrendous...those poor families....let's hope the current global efforts to slow down climate change do have some kind of impact....
...the Steve Hillman camera captured what happened at White Water Hotel....
...terrifying for the people who live there and devastating for local business!
We are doing our bit to help raise money for the clean up and provide resources for people affected...hope you are too! Furness Abbey seems to have escaped the worst of the was dark and damp down there today, but not flooded...
...Abbey Mill Café was very busy with runners and did get a little mention in our Christmas Show too!! Christmas tree festival at Dalton St Mary's church this evening....

....and this year the theme was 'At the movies'!
Look out for my colleague playing this role in the new year!!!! We loved the Star Wars tree...
...we've GOT to do a tree next year! Dalton is looking lovely and festive too....
...well...four more working days (and a trip, a panto, parties and a Christingle service still to come!) until we can break for a's been a packed few months since September, and if you are not a teacher, you cannot begin to understand why a break is needed at the end of December...this is for you, Mrs J.......

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