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Sunday, 6 December 2015

6th December, 2015.....Greengate's Christmas song for Furness Abbey!

More than three weeks since we got down to Furness Abbey for a walk....but it certainly hasn't been forgotten!! The Hillman/Sadler annual (and original) Christmas Show takes place this week, and a whole scene is devoted to Furness's a Barrow turf wars story featuring Rollo, Baz I, Sowerby, Hawcoat, Furness Abbey and Walney! Enough'll have to watch!! We couldn't do it without the support of some wonderful colleagues though, and 120 fantastic kids too!

No chance of snow like this today...Hurricane Desmond has seen to that! I think we've got off lightly in Barrow (although there wasn't a single Sunday paper to be had anywhere today!)...those poor residents of the Eden Valley, Keswick and mother in law is stuck in Blackpool because there is no way in or out of Furness at the moment!
Poor old deserted Barrow town centre up to Christmas and business is terrible!
The sun did come out briefly this afternoon, but look at the beck....... looked as though the banks had overflowed at some point yesterday!
As always, in the weeks before Christmas, we have been involved in all sorts of fund raising events....our Christmas Fair was bulging at the seams and raised just short of £800....
...and we did have a rather stylish Santa and elf to support us....
......and some wonderful tea ladies!
Then there was Christmas Jumper Day, raising money for the Barrow Foodbank....
...we are supporting them in their 'Wheelie Bin Challenge' so they will be at Rollo at 2.30pm on Friday if you wanted to turn up and donate!
...thank you cards sent for generous local businesses who support our school.....
... and all that BEFORE our Christmas Shows, Nativity and Christingle service... no wonder we all look shattered! Great fun though, and it makes you realise what a massive hole would be left in our community if Rollo wasn't there.....
Don't forget to look at the updated SteveHillman website..... here's his Penrith venue a couple of weeks ago...when he got to Roundthorn there was a powdering of snow on the ground!
Hope the lovely, festive feeling lasts!!!!

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