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Monday, 4 May 2015

4th May, 2015....Bank Holiday Breakfast...!

At last...the sun put in an appearance, after two days of staring out of the window at the rain! (To be fair though, roast dinner cooking did take up a large part of our Sunday, so couldn't have got out anyway!)

The 'Bootcampers' beat us down here today...good to see this exercise lark keeping the townsfolk busy.....I like an hours power walking myself! But we were on a mission for a breakfast rendezvous with friends today, and Abbey Mill delivered, as always!!
The kids preferred ice cream and 'sausage'n'chips for breakfast, and Abbey Mill caters for all!!
Despite the wind being a bit chilly, it is starting to look lovely and 'floral' down here at last.....
....and the kids from 'restorative justice' have been doing a bit of tidying up too!!
This engine and it's carriages passed as we were walking today.... a 'blast from the past'! It was as though a pile of old carriages were being taken away for some reason....wonder where to? Frankie had a huge fascination with trains when he was little...we must have purchased every 'Thomas the Tank' style engines and figures, and sat for hours in York's Railway Museum....where does the time go...he's thirteen in August!
Sad to see one wing of the Whitehouse has gone now....the demise of another great Barrovian institution!
Bumper fund raising effort from the Greengate Team on Friday......Central Ward families are so supportive of our events....I hope everything works out in their favour on Thursday, in terms of resources being ear-marked for struggling town and city centres! Here's hoping!
All of our kids and staff are joining in the 'Race for Life' this year too, at the Furness Academy new running track, and after watching the sterling performance from Sheridan Smith last night to highlight the research still needed so that ALL cancer sufferers can survive, it is the least we can do!
Lovely in the meadow today.....
...they are getting incredibly bold, these bullocks....look at those tiny horn buds, poised as if readying themselves for a fight!!


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