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Thursday, 28 May 2015

28th May, 2015...Old Hawcoat and late hawthorn...!

Well, Whit holiday or not, I'm still wearing my parka and boots, and the maythorn and apple blossom seems to be hanging around this year....nearly June and no sign of any warm weather!

Lovely blue skies though.... and what is going on here, we asked as we arrived at Furness Abbey this morning! We thought perhaps the stage was being set for the arrival of a celebrity (Rob Thomas I hoped!!), but no.....'s just the railway repairs system setting up a temporary wok station and road surface to go and fix landslides on the embankments down here! Oh well! The helicopter confused the issue!
Cold or not, it is looking lovely down here at the moment....
...and busy!
We decided to take the SteveHillman camera around Hawcoat Village today, as it is looking quite lovely at the moment...
...we looked at this farmhouse when it came up for sale unrenovated 12 years ago, when plants were growing on the inside and small streams were running down the walls...but then a certain baby boy came along, and that was that!! I guess all the farmland around it belonged to the farm at one time, and Dalton Lane was the green path that got the villagers to Dalton, across farmland and fields that are now the more modern Hawcoat estate, including our house!
And every bit of sandstone could tell a story, I bet!
The baby boy's grown up a bit now though!!

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