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Monday, 25 May 2015

25th May, 2015....Angel of the North....

We haven't blogged since last Bank much has happened....close people know! BUT...hooray...we made it down to Furness Abbey this Bank Holiday; skies may be grey and heavy but we are feeling very grateful for the life we have at the moment! We celebrated with a 'brunch' at Abbey Mill!

Frankie is never far from a phone or a fizzy drink...teenagehood is impending! I'm looking a bit windswept hairdresser is away at her daughter's dare she!
Talking of weddings...the SteveHillman camera has been very busy lately, at some stunning local venues!
Clarence House is a beautiful place for a wedding.....and a retirement party as it turns out, when our long time colleague retired this she is with a selection of 'mad guys'!
She looked stunning, as always! I do work with some great people...and we look even better when we've scrubbed up for a night out...I don't though, thanks to NIVEA....friends...don't laugh!
It is looking lovely in the woods around the Abbey at the moment...wild garlic and bluebells...positively bridal!
It's nice to be back, out and about, walking, skating..... proud of the way our year six children handled these dratted SATs earlier this month...we took them all skating to celebrate the end of it!
Mr Hillman senior has been painting the town red again, and has fallen and broken his femur...he will seriously have to curtail his partying's not seemly in a gentleman of his age!! He was impressed at the professionalism and efficiency of the paramedics who came to his aid though...the health service (especially in this town) often get slated, but he couldn't praise them enough. We do have to say another goodbye to one of our old friends from the 'Derby Days' this's so sad, especially when his car facilitated me and Mr Hillman getting together, but it was a life well lived! So, this blog is dedicated to the people we've all lost and miss and to those whom we appreciate even more because of it!

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