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Sunday, 3 August 2014

3rd August, 2014....Barrow commemorates World War 1.

A drab Sunday morning, pouring with rain, but this didn't stop the people of Barrow turning out to remember those that had gone before, defending their country.
Our MP turned out too!
Nice touch, with the Motorcyclists supporting the Royal British Legion!
Jack Wolfskin saved us from the worst of the weather, as always!
The Great War began for Britain at 11pm on August 4, 1914, when Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith declared war on Germany – after it refused to halt its invasion of Belgium.
The conflict lasted for four years, despite confident initial predictions it would be resolved within a few months, and led to the deaths of more than 37 million people. August auspicious day indeed!
Alan Jones, a lay chaplain for the Submariners Association conducted the service, and it was very poignant...old and young coming together at Barrow's Cenotaph.
The service included a heart-felt reading of the Kohima Epitaph:
When you go home, tell them of us, and say, for your tomorrow- we gave our today.
I kind of saw today, the final point of us holding the commemorative event in school last WAS fun and was teamwork at it's best, but it also fixed in the mind of 300 children that their freedom to choose was secured by men and women that no longer inhabited the world before they were even born. And thanks once again to the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment for adding this memento to our long term memories!



  1. I was away so I appreciate the link, thank you.

    I hope I haven't repeated my post, and apologise if I have.

    Thanks again. Jacqui Cowing

    1. Glad you are following the blog....thanks, and spread the word!
