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Thursday, 21 August 2014

22nd August, 2014... Manor Farm housing estate and Morecambe Bay!!

Summer is over...coats are on....SteveHillmanphotography has four weddings over the wet and blustery Bank Holiday...ooops....poor brides...hope you've got brollies and your veils pinned on tightly!!

Yes...this photo was of us on a trip to the seaside in August....
.....we just happened to pick the worst day of the summer to go!! I can remember visiting Morecambe as a kid...there was Marine Land, Frontier Land and Morecambe Lights....where did they all go? The iconic Midland Hotel is still there though and providing very nice afternoon teas!
And, of course, a visit to Brucciani's is compulsory......I can remember it's twin in Barrow......the ambience in there is straight from the 50's!
So.......Story Homes are planning their 38 houses on land near Manor Farm......and it's fair to say this has already provoked some (not completely polite) debate!! We often go and admire this view.... make the most of it, as by this time next year you might not see it again! When you say it like that, it doesn't seem right. When you look at the ever-expanding property portfolio in Wednesday's Evening Mails it also seems odd that yet more houses are being built, when there are so many for sale?? And I doubt Story Homes will be selling them at a low thirty year old daughter can never see a way she will be able to own a house, and I work with a lovely guy who's partner is also a teacher, so they have a reasonable income, and they have no chance of buying a house at the moment.
I wonder who Story Homes are aiming these houses at....I'm presuming they've done market research...?!
Anyhow, some strange markings have appeared on the site so I'm guessing the surveyors are getting ahead of themselves, as usual!
We did actually get some nicer August weather earlier this week, and Abbey Mill was quite busy....Mr. and Mrs. Leigh have finally located the café and were able to take afternoon tea! It's becoming quite a 'cult' this afternoon tea lark, amongst the more sensible non-drinking fraternity (if you know me, you will know that I have never partaken of alcohol, after learning from Mr. De Court in chemistry that it was a poison...I'm funny like that....Mr. Hillman didn't drink much either, after we got together! Our livers are pristine!)!
I'm hearing that this piece of land is for sale too??
Let's hope not!! I'm struggling to get up the side of the Amphitheatre at the moment...old age I presume.....don't know what Frank's excuse is....he's only TWELVE on Monday!!
And on this beautiful morning, as DAWN was breaking over the estate where we live.....
....we got the fantastic news that baby D number two was born....and it's a Darcey welcome to the world!!

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