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Friday, 1 August 2014

1st August, 2014....back to the usual English summer weather!!

Oh dear....the first day of August dawns to torrential rain!! That didn't stop us having a quick trip down to the Abbey this lunch time, with Frank in his best YMCA outfit...!

Time for a visit to the hairdressers I think....I'm not usually this blonde! Check these out though....the camera of SteveHillman took a special trip up in the air yesterday!!

He didn't tell me until AFTER he'd done it though, or mention that they took the flight with the DOORS OFF until just now!!

A bit drippy and wet down here today, in total contrast to last Friday...look at the weather here...!
Frankie has a phobia about crabs!!
Looking rather lovely though, isn't it...!
Spied the first blackberries of the season down here, which is a bit early, and there is some other 'autumny' weird, it's only August 1st!! Don't get my mother on the subject, she will be doing her portentious ' means we are in for a terrible winter' routine!
Who says teachers have six weeks off... I have updated the website ( ), got all the prospectus stuff ready to go to Gonzo Designs ( )and have started to write the Christmas Show....Mine and Mrs S's version of 'A Christmas Carol' this year!! We are all now awaiting the birth of the second Baby D.....won't be long now!!!
Had a 'Neil Young' fest yesterday....what a guy.....takes us straight back to our early years together, and my favourite song of all time remains' Like a Hurricane'. I can remember being at a concert let me Birmingham, miles from the stage and shouting down at him 'sing Like a Hurricane' and eventually he was amazing!! He's 69 now and still going strong! There's some people out there in the world that are stunning, then there are some people who just.....worry about matching their shoes with their handbags!!!!
 This is my new terms resolution!!!! Thanks WC!


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