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Thursday, 22 August 2013

22nd August, 2013...a beautiful late summers day!

It was foggy at 6am this morning, but by lunchtime, lingering mist and drizzle had cleared to leave one of those summers days that are perfect, perfectly English!!

Lots of laid back activity down here today...families eating at Abbey Mill café, people walking, restoration workmen sweating in their overalls, ponies hacking..everyone just enjoying the sun and the ruins...there's always a tremendous sense of 'back history' down here...who has walked the walk before you?!!
Thanks to the Evening Mail staff for putting a piece together about our blog...I thought it was very well written...and you can now access the blog by following a link from the Evening Mail website too!
Plenty of these down here now!! I can't bring myself to be bothered about Internet Trolls or Simon Cowell's latest disaster but the news about the use of Sarin in missiles dropped on the suburbs of Damascus makes me livid. I hope someone can do something... and QUICKLY! Everyday I am grateful that we live in a part of the world like this. Peace is priceless!
Rant over!! And congrats to Al who got a whole bunch of A*s and As today in her exams!! Brainy or what!!
Couldn't resist adding these to the blog later in the day.....the old town doesn't look half bad, does it!!

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