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Thursday, 1 August 2013

1st August, 2013.....Golden Bobbin!

Phew! It's been a hot few days, but perfect for  walks at the Abbey...lots of local people obviously agree!

It has been almost a year since we started keeping the blog, and already there are some early signs of autumn!!
Gigantic 'giant hogweed'...must be all the rain we had! Frank treated himself to a sausage bun, as it is the holidays...Dowdales in September!
Remember to support the Medieval Fair that happens at the end of the month...only true historic stalls and side shows market stalls selling inflatable hammers and silly hats!!
There is some interesting stuff happening inside the Abbey ruins at the moment... we had a look at the 'herb trail' and also at how the excavations and underpinning was going.. it's a mammoth task!
There is also English Heritage's Golden Bobbin Competition!! Don't tell anyone we told you!!
Rather hot for COWS!!

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