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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

14th August, 2013..a little light rain!!

What was that strange wet stuff falling from the sky this afternoon...some uncharacteristic rainfall for was quite a pleasant change actually!

                             Doesn't stop people getting out and walking their dogs though!

We came down here a little later than usual today as we had visitors for D made his debut, and we all wish his auntie Em the best of luck in her new teaching job... reception age children.... ARGH!!!
A perfect rowan tree... you will have noticed how early the berries are this year...not always a sign of an impending hard winter, more likely to be connected with the amount of available water stored below ground! Plenty of huge rosebay around too!!
If you are a fan of Peter Robinson's DCI Banks novels, the latest one, 'Children of the revolution' starts off with a body on the railway lines by the cottage, here at the Abbey, I'm sure!! And to back that up, he mentions Barrow in Furness early on in the story, in relation to something else...
...he is originally from Yorkshire, but I'm sure he's looked at this view for his opening scene.. he may have even been camping down here...
...someone is!!
(Look out for a snippet about our blog in next week's Evening Mail!!!!)

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