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Wednesday, 25 March 2020

25th March, 2020- We are in the midst of a global emergency and our country is on 'lockdown'.

Further to the last blog, the world has been plunged into a global pandemic- and our country is now in the same position as many of the other worst affected countries around the world. From Monday evening, we have joined many other countries in 'locking down'- the closing of non essential businesses and services and the imposition of strong rules around isolation from other people- measures that it is hoped will flatten the peak of cases and deaths from this new and deadly virus. Sounds like the opening of a novel, but it isn't- it's reality at the moment. United Kingdom citizens have been ordered to keep to their homes as much as is possible, only going out for one blast of exercise or for essentials like shopping and medical needs. We have curtailed our walking and haven't visited Furness Abbey for some time. English Heritage have closed all their sites anyway, and Abbey Mill Café is also closed. Frontline staff in key jobs are running the country now, and trying to keep people safe and well for the foreseeable future. I have total admiration for them all. When this is all over, or at least controlled, I hope we will remember those who haven't been able to hide away and look after themselves- there are a lot of quiet heroes out there at the moment- one of which is my sister-in-law- an ICU nurse at FGH. Total admiration for them all. So, a blog full of memories of Furness Abbey- to help the good and stalwart folk of Furness to be remined of what will await us all one day!

A quick p.s.- Happy Birthday to my brother- he's the baby in the photo! and that's the east end of London in the late sixties!

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