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Sunday, 24 February 2019

24th February, 2019.... Floral end to February!

It was such a beautiful morning, even the tulips were opening up....we had to head down to Furness Abbey to enjoy the crisp, clear air.....

Frankie really didn't want to walk with us though- not cool being seen out with 'the olds'!!

It may have been early, but it was very busy at Abbey Mill Café....

...lots of running groups around at the moment- really supportive of the 'Mile for Mental Health' running group that friends and colleagues are involved in- finally the stigma is shrinking!

And what a beautiful venue for running- the Furness countryside!

On the walk back we thought we'd try and 'snap' as many flowers as we could see, blooming in this warm spell of weather....

Take a look at the beautiful How Tun Woods at the moment too....

...stunning display of purple crocuses up there...well worth a walk!

Back to work tomorrow!

Sunday, 17 February 2019

17th February, 2019.....Spring is in the air!

We've had some lovely weather this week, and had to stare longingly out of the window at it...and finally, half-term is here and we can get some 'OUTDOORS'!

And BREATHE!!!! Talking of which, we had some fab 'Well being' training earlier in the week, from Hester Binge- was really interesting and I so wish someone had explained things like this to me in my twenties...kind of understand now the need to be out in nature in serene places- it's not just for vegetarian ex-hippies like me though!!

This little guy followed us along the Abbey path, whilst there were bird 'turf wars' up above...

Really, really grateful for a week away from's been a brilliant six weeks since the New Year but SO intense.....

...met Rick Middleton from More Music
…….and that was a bonus; joined in with The Lost words...….

….met wizards and owls.....


...and wore multi-coloured wellies...

….and had numerous 'up the Lakes' trips.....

….yep, it's all about walking, nature and music with us!!

Saturday, 2 February 2019

2nd February, 2019...Freezing February has arrived!

Okay, we aren't part of the polar vortex but February has arrived with a bit of an arctic blast...Furness has had low temperatures and frozen snow, mainly gone now, but southern/eastern areas of the country have had a difficult time of it- being marooned on Bodmin Moor and having to spend a night in Jamaica Inn on a mattress- that's been the reality for some southern travellers this week! Sparking sunshine at Furness Abbey today though...….

...that was after a Hot Mango breakfast with family...

...great place for an informal breakfast meet! The SteveHillman camera has been out and about during this cold snap, capturing the area under its sheet of ice.....

Brrr!!!!It's been a busy few weeks for us with work, weddings and wedding fairs, but we've managed to have a bit of fun too....we met up with one of our favourite guys earlier in the week.....

...he is utterly brilliant, the kids were transfixed....and so was I!!

We also popped over to the opening of the new Dock Museum park, and had a look at the Tim Stead exhibition....

...and when we took some kids over to do the same thing later in the week, look who we bumped in to...

...he's very civic-minded, the new mayor!