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Saturday, 24 December 2016

24th December, 2016......Christmas catch ups with our favourite people!!

Phew...Barbara has gone past and Connor is on his's the 'stormy season' but that hasn't stopped the intrepid Hillman family getting out and about with friends and family, and who could resist a quiet walk to Furness Abbey on Christmas Eve.......

You find some strange things down here when you're not really looking.......

We had the Steve HIllman Christmas Parrty at Chandlers this year!!!!! Frankie likes the 'cheese on toast' there....he's a bit like me when it comes to party food!

We really enjoyed the break from cooking Christmas lunch last year, and meeting family at Langdale Chase, but I am cooking at home this year....If you know me, you know I have a bit of an issue with meat, so I bought an 'ethical' turkey this year, courtesy of Marks and Sparks, and collected it without any hassle or queueing, so that was a good move, though it wasn't cheap! Met up with my London friend on Thursday too....she's getting married in a few months, so there was a modicum of wedding talk...she's lucky enough to have booked the world famous photographer Steve Hillman, to shoot her wedding...nothing but the best for our Emma!!

We took our turn at 'manning' the Christmas Tree Festival too....still time to visit, as it's open until the 28th December.

My daughter was 32 earlier on in the week..... my first teaching job the week after this was taken!!

Here's the pair of them now....I would highly recommend a 'festive breakfast' in Last Resort...supporting local business and all that.....

...even though Christmas Shopping has been a bit of a wash-out this year!

There's the new 'Town House' venue that everyone is raving about....used to have a Saturday job there when it was 'Boots the Chemist'!

My niece's birthday today, so we are off to a family party this evening...ready for a nice, chilled out Christmas Day with family again tomorrow (and I think Mr Irv is dropping in too!)
Merry Christmas to you all....and there's plenty of dinner at our house!!!

Couldn't resist!!!!!

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