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Sunday, 21 February 2016

21st February, 2016...being grateful!

Windy, wet and wild...the only way to describe the weekend's weather...but we made it down to Furness Abbey for a damp and muddy walk....

Abbey Mill was deserted and looking a bit lonely.....
......unlike the Hillmans....who have met up with yet another branch of our extended family for a spot of 'tea' courtesy of the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel in the town centre.....
And very nice it was too...Uncle Andy was 50 this week, so that had to be celebrated.....
....and the crazy Hillman men certainly do it in style!! We are very lucky to have such a huge and 'crazy' family of Hillmans and Exleys and everyone in between!
That's Frankie's cousin in the middle, who looks like an older version of Frank himself...not quiet like Frank though!
Lovely food at the Duke too...... I would highly recommend it.....
We lined up with my colleague Angie, and some other train spotter types earlier in the week to catch a glimpse of Galatea as she surged on through Dalton. She made an impressive site, and we are tempted to try out for tickets later in the year..... is funny how the 'age of steam' holds a fascination still.... I guess people always think things were better in the past....but look at this picture......
...that's Cottal Street, London nan's maisonette, where I spent a good part of the first twelve years of my life....this is the block just before it was knocked down more than ten years ago, after becoming a derelict squat....some flash apartments have been built there seemed idyllic to me as a kid, but I guess it was a grim place in the end.... brothers and sisters will remember playing out on those concrete steps I'm sure!! Anyhow, much prefer 'Up North' and look at these beautiful photos from the Steve Hillman camera earlier in the can see why!
So glad my mum and dad moved away from Poplar, London E14 when they did! I love Furness and the North!
Hooray...the Furness Abbey 'Arch' has finally been repaired and can be used from tomorrow, to take you down to this lovely place......
...looking gorgeous, even in the rain!!

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