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Sunday, 14 February 2016

14th February, 2016....beautiful blue skies on St. Valentine's Day!

At last, a holiday AND some blue skies.....the thermometer was reading 4 degrees Celsius, but that didn't stop us heading out for a 'post-lunch' stroll to Furness Abbey.


Tom was 40 earlier this week, so happy belated birthday to him, and good wishes to 'Super Wedge' who turns 50 later on in the week along with Andy Hillman (brother of the famous Steve Hillman!!).
Some lovely signs of early spring down here today...look at this little lone celandine....
...we even managed to get 74 year old nana up the side of the Amphitheatre...she only ventures out in nice weather!!
Hard to get teenagers motivated though!
We've been involved in some interesting events since we last blogged......we met Frances Entwistle, who works with children on Shakespeare...she motivated my year six class to the point where I thought they could have probably passed GCSE English Lit on that day........
...and then one of my colleagues (well, a friend actually, as we go back more than twenty years now!!) organised a Harry Potter Family Night, which was great fun and something rather novel for our he is....
...Professor Severus Snape...with and without wig!!
The Steve Hillman camera captures all....he lent his small camera to me to photograph a special assembly on Friday, and somehow I managed to switch the auto focus off, so every one of seventy photos were very blurred...oops! However, here are a few from his early morning travels over the past few weekdays.....
...ahhh...isn't he clever......
So,....on this sunny St. Valentine's Day...the last word goes to Shakespeare....


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