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Sunday, 27 September 2015

27th September, 2015....Battle of Britain and Victorian Barrow!

What a beautiful day.....we managed an early morning walk at Furness Abbey...the leaves are just turning and the shadows are lengthening...lovely!


The family had the idea of doing a 'Jacob's Join' roast dinner today....we all cooked something and brought it to my was rather successful I thought, although I still felt frazzled slaving over my range cooker, even though I only did the veg!! There has been no let up for the SteveHillman camera....the Swan Hotel was yesterday's venue...
.....Newby Bridge looking stunning in the autumn is my garden at the moment!
My two favourite things last week...local history.....
......and CAKE!!! (Apologies to my friend and colleague Jo who missed both this year!).Local schools were so supportive of the Macmillan charity....I don't think there was one school that didn't take part, and our parents were generous to a fault, as always!
We did attend the Battle of Britain parade last weekend...we mustn't forget.........

 , a week of history and heritage....the blue skies and cake were a bonus!!





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