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Sunday, 13 September 2015

13th September, 2015...Back to work blog!

Oh well....the official summer has come to an end, so, of course, the beautiful spell of weather has begun! Looking lovely down at Furness Abbey this afternoon....

....the top field has clearly been ploughed though...autumn preparation!
Whilst us primary teachers were busy grafting last Monday, trying to keep body and soul together, everyone else, including my son, had an INSECT (INSET) day, and where better to spend it than on a road trip to the Lakes, and who better to spend it with but nana and granddad Hillman!!
Yew Tree Barn will be locking the doors when they see him coming next time!
Great breakfasts at the Apple Pie Eating House too!
The SteveHillman camera never misses the chance for a great shot though...this was early morning above Lake Windermere!
We did laugh when Frankie finally went back to school and we took the third photo in this series.....
...we are obviously giving him the right food!!!
Little bullocks had got themselves stuck in the Abbey beck this afternoon...let's hope they are savvy enough to get out again!
My little brother's birthday was on Friday.....people laugh when I call him little brother...he's a mid forties burly fireman actually! Ahhh!

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