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Wednesday, 26 August 2015

26th August, 2015....August birthday blog!

Parkas on for a walk today....and it's AUGUST!! Rather blustery and damp at Furness Abbey this morning.....

...but some blue sky breaking through!
What's not to like about a cold, windy August long as you've got your sun glasses on and a cup of tea....
...and a bit of breakfast at Abbey Mill! So...three birthdays this week....Baby DD, Frankie and today is my sisters birthday! That's us in my last junior school was easier to dress your kids the same when there was as many as us (although not my brothers obviously!)...and Frankie finally is THIRTEEN, and has altered his body language accordingly....
...from this..... this!!!
The birthday has made us get out old photos though...some lovely christening ones...
...with his godfather....
...and his in loco parentis father if we're ever out of town!!
Some scarily torrential rain earlier this week...I guess our summer is coming to an end...there are certainly a lot of fruits out and ripening down here at Furness Abbey...sloes ALREADY....
..bushes full of blackberries...
.....early elderberries , and I'm not sure what these others are!!
Looking rather nice and 'autumnal' along the Roose walkway actually!
(which is just as well because I have put my Autumn classroom display up already!)
The beck is running quite high compared to this time last year, and if you look at national weather forecasts, the Jetstream moves northwards just in time for us teachers' favourite thing.... an Indian Summer!!!! Don't forget to support this event!!

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