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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

12th August, 2015...Countryside matters....!

A beautiful spell of weather over the past few days....we have been waiting for ages to have an early summers morning walk at Furness Abbey, and we finally made it!

That was the sky at 9am this morning.... clear that the Lake District mountains can be seen....
...and Frank's finally got his shorts on! I'm feeling quite short standing next to him at the moment!
Had a quiet cup of tea at Abbey Mill café....
...and a good walk! Furness Abbey is an exceptional place.....
....and if you know us, you'll know we love our countryside walks, but for many folk, this is their working environment, and at the moment it is becoming increasingly difficult for people who make their money from the rural landscape to scrape a living. I fully support the dairy farmers in their quest to get a reasonable price for the milk they produce and the fleeces they take from their sheep flocks. I was shocked to listen to meat farmers talking the other day about each low grade sheep fleece only being worth 49p...not even enough to hire a shearer!
We headed to the Coast Road after our walk today, and stopped to watch some farmers in action...not on holiday like we were but grafting to scrape a living, only to have their produce devalued by large national corporations like TESCO. It is appalling that a litre of bottled water or fizzy pop costs more than a litre of milk. Don't get me on the 'fizzy pop' debate....we didn't have access to even a bottle of Coke when I was was milk or water or orange cordial at parties and that was it...and we were much healthier because of it! I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a country with no farms or farming industry. I agree with cheap food production but not with the profits these massive supermarket chains make because of it. Rant over!!
Beautiful on the Coast Road today though!
I can't let a blog go by without mentioning Series 2 of 'True Detective'...I think it's been outstanding, so many subtleties that ordinary folk have given up on it (my daughter will go mad at me now for saying that!).....'a Mexican stand-off with ACTUAL Mexicans'...that has to be of my favourite one liners of all time, from Vince Vaughan. The finale was stunningly clever and we were left just sitting on the sofa, not knowing what to do next!!! New hero.....Colin Farrell!! I'm sure he wasn't acting!!

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