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Sunday, 8 March 2015

8th March, 2015...Tudor ruins,tubing and three types of sheep!

So...Sunday, and a definite feel of spring on the breeze. Some of the Furness Abbey daffodils have opened up, and the sky was actually BLUE, rather than the flat grey we have had for weeks!


We took a sixty strong party to visit Kendal earlier in the week....the diversionary trip up to Kendal Castle proved fascinating, the skiing was enjoyable, but the TUBING...that went down a storm!!!! It was bitterly cold, especially on top of Castle hill, with the icy Lakes wind blowing down on us from all sides, but the views were spectacular!
We did get caught in a torrential hail storm as we descended!! Had a great team of staff making sure kids were warm and safe though.....none of this 'roughing it' nowdays!!
But the sun came out again later, so all was well!!
I hadn't realised the castle had been a ruin since the end of the Tudor era, when the barons of Kendal ceased to own it. The kids though Henry and Katherine Parr must have been buried in the cemetery that flanks the side of Castle Hill!
A hail storm added authenticity to our tubing escapade....staff enjoying it as much as the kids!
It is well worth a visit to Kendal Snow sports club:
Scaffolding has appeared on the Abbey Tavern, so hopefully someone is going to at least make it water tight before it rots anymore.....
Three types of sheep making up a large flock that have been moved into the field by the beck...those brown and white Jacobs, Black Faced and White Faced varieties.....
I've been watching too much Country File!!It's Adams fault!
Lovely day for a walk though!



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