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Sunday, 1 March 2015

1st March, 2015....Minus 2 wind chill on St David's Day!

We opted for Sunday Lunch outside looked a bit overcast and windy, but we're always okay with that!! How cold could it be on St David's day??

Looks okay doesn't it....plenty of folk had done the same...wrapped up warmly and set out with their dogs!
So, at mid day we settled down at Abbey Mill and waited for our lunch....other customers were opting for sitting inside, but not us!!
And very nice it was too.....but by the time we had sat in the -2 degrees Celsius wind for half an hour on metal chairs, we had lost all feeling in our hands and other parts of our anatomy, and could only rush home and huddle around the gas fire!! Spring has definitely not sprung yet!! The very early flowering daffodils are out down here however, and my favourite weather forecaster John Hammond promises me 15 degree temperatures by next blog!!
 I've just noticed an ancient nail in my favourite old tree...what stories could it tell, I wonder....
What a difference in the beck too, from the end of September..... was the fullest I've seen it for a long time, and water is collecting in the fields, which hasn't happened for a while!
The Steve Hillman camera visited the Lake district again this week, on a mission to check out the Kendal area before our year six children descend on Tuesday....he took some stunning shots of the low fells, covered in the last vestiges of snow.
I'm starting to think I might have a talented husband...don't tell him I said that though!!
Talking of all things Tudor....Wolf Hall.... the final was perfect, even though we all knew how it would end!!! I have the next Mark Rylance in my class at the moment....I just know this kid is going places with his acting ability!
Well, St David.... you must have been freezing sitting in your Welsh monastery at this time of year....actually, I've just looked out of my window, and it is now sleeting! Get the kettle on!


  1. Met soldiers in Abbotswood today, complete with swords, shields, helmets, etc. Little dog was not impressed. Where are these soldiers when the litterbugs are about? Managed a pleasant walk with the dog before the rain and sleet came.

  2. I agree...the litter can be awful on a weekend. Strange meeting soldiers though...?!
