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Sunday, 1 February 2015

1st February, 2015...tea, scones and walking the Nile!

Wow...where did that blast of freezing cold air come from! Thursday was BITTER! And the poor Steve Hillman bride yesterday....not the best day to be wearing a wedding dress...fur bolero or not!

Lovely down at Furness Abbey this afternoon though..and very busy!
This was the view from right at the top of the's like we are living in the Alps!
Some hungry birds down here today!

Abbey Mill's Jackie was run off her feet...but happy with it!
I'm sure there's a bit of 'explorer' in me somewhere. I would have been happy to Walk the Nile with Levison....what a program that was!! Often, those 'trekking' programs look 'set up', with lots of cameras and body guards in the back ground, but his was incredibly scary at times, and some of the countries he walked through were depressingly mired in conflict, often not of their own making. Fantastic, though sometimes grim, viewing!
Afternoon tea 'chez Hillman' today, though I fear I have made too many scones again!!!
And then we walked up to the golf course to take a look at the stunning views from there of the Langdale Pikes.
I went Youth Hostelling in the Langdales in a snowy February when I was about eighteen. We laugh about it now because the gear I had was a Peter Storm cagoule and leggings, and a pair of Army and Navy Stores boots. You just wouldn't do it now!!
Steve Hillman really annoying with that camera....Mrs. G is that you?!!!
Black Combe and Millom looking lovely from up here..... are the first snowdrops of the year!!

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