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Sunday, 15 February 2015

15th February, 2015......Early spring sunshine and Valentine's Day romance.....!

Well, we made it to half-term, but the Hillman cameras are never at rest! Both father and daughter had to shoot Valentine's Day weddings, and they could have sold the date at least five times....well, it has been many, many years since Valentine's Day has been on a Saturday! Both the brides looked lovely and I've seen previews of some stunning photography!

Busy down at Furness Abbey today, I mean REALLY busy...we couldn't get a table at Abbey Mill! It was a lovely, sunny afternoon though, and registering 8 degrees celsius on the thermometer, which we haven't had for ages!
Yes, I think Frank is pretty much matching me in terms of height...though he's still only TWELVE!
Lots of bird life on show today....coal tits, the woodpecker, buzzards and jays, but not the elusive heron...! And kids camping!!!
We did laugh at this indignant sheep who refused to move from her patch in the warm sun as we passed! I was interested to read about the next new housing development planned for the old Thorncliffe School does seem even dafter that the Manor Farm development...houses from 350K to 450K, bought off plan but ready for late 2015.....who's got that sort of money in this town at the moment? And the site is at this stage now.....who is doing market research for this I wonder?
So, we headed out to Roa Island to maybe get a cup of tea at The Bosun's Locker...alas...that was full to bursting too! We did watch this gyrocopter (?) messing about on the Piel Sands, with a perfect view of it from the stunning new ferry landing pier...when did that happen??
Bird watching again! It's that same oyster catcher that landed on our house the other day!
The RNLI Lifeboat station is a show-stopping building too!
Now, the Steve Hillman Photographer tells me he has found a lovely new place to buy gifts for me....and he did surprise me on Valentine's Day.....
...... Yew Tree does look like my kind of place.....
...but, amongst the photos he took, was THIS ONE.....
...which he insists was someone else's breakfast and he just photographed it! I think you know he's lying!!! The place looked really photogenic...... won't beat our number one favourite though.....!

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