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Sunday, 5 October 2014

5th October, 2014....Harvest Festival and Furness General!

A tiny bit of rain has finally fallen, and very nice it was too....I'd forgotten how clean things smelled after a rain shower! The beck at Furness Abbey has a small amount of water in it at last.


The skies seem heavy with rain, but none of it is falling yet...? Greengate little ones invade Abbot's Wood tomorrow so lets hope the rain holds off until after that!
Lovely sunrise from our bedroom window this morning, and the SteveHillman camera went to a new venue yesterday...the church at Penny Bridge and then Rusland Pool! Don't think I've ever been to either before, though an old friend of ours did OWN the Rusland Pool for a while.
He thought the hotel was a really good venue for a wedding, and it's not far from Barrow if you don't want to pay a fortune for wedding cars!
Tested my new Jack Wolfskin boots out down at the amphitheatre today......they were perfect......a cross between hiking boots and wellies!
Frank decided to give his Berghaus walking boots a test he's worried he'll have caught leptospirosis from the water, so he's having a lie down!! We were all having a quiet morning, pottering, reading papers, drinking tea etc when the phone rang. It was Rosie saying she'd come off her bike on Birkrigg Common and was lying in a heap. We got in the car and threw in the first aid kit and a couple of tea towels for good measure, and headed up there. Land Rover to the rescue again!
We did go to Furness General Accident and Emergency because she had smashed her head on the road, but luckily the helmet took the full force of the impact and she's escaped with cuts and scrapes and a head ache.
Furness general were very good though....she saw a triage nurse within ten minutes and then was seen by a doctor within the hour, so well done to them, they were very thorough. They have obviously pulled themselves up by the boot straps......I ended up in there a couple of years ago after something nasty, and they were rubbish....slung me out with the most ridiculously dangerous pain killers that I could have sold for massive money on the streets.....and I'd never even taken paracetamol! I binned them and suffered! Happily, things seemed to have improved there now!
Just got across the train lines in time....wonder if Mr. Woodcock is heading back to London to his day job!! My boss went to one of his mobile (!) surgeries on Friday.....I haven't asked her how it went yet.....hopefully there
will be some good news for Central Ward. In the mean time, I've noticed many local schools are donating their Harvest produce to the Barrow Food Bank, as we will be doing after our Harvest Festival on Friday. We do split it with Ostley House too, as that is a very worthwhile, and sometimes overlooked, local charity.
Greengate Junior parents are always so generous! This was last year!
It's looking lovely down here at the moment! I was talking to an old sparring partner the other day, who cannot understand why I put heart and soul into my job, when the pay is rubbish compared to his managerial salary, for half the effort. Here's the answer.......

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