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Sunday, 19 October 2014

19th October, 2014...Charity gigs and Zombies!

This was one of those weeks that we just had to get through, but weirdly it ended on a high note!! It was very windy when we got down to Furness Abbey today, and...yes....I am as shattered as I look in this photo!

We're that disorganised at the moment, we couldn't even cobble together enough for a cup of tea at Abbey Mill when we got down here!!
It is looking rather autumnal and muted down here at the moment! On the 'cup of tea' front, we headed up to Dalton to visit Mr.Hillman senior, who is recovering from a rather serious operation...but not to weak to offer us that cup of tea, which was great. Here he is earlier on this year after his Land Rover jaunt.
After the Monday morning operation for Raymond here,the week continued with some separate but sad news, and our thoughts are with that family, then our good friend Wedge had her operation cancelled...this was all before mid day Monday. It has definitely been a week for 'tea and sympathy'!
The beck is filling up again, further along it's journey, but up by Manor Farm it seems to have been blocked off?
Here's our daughter playing at the Ulverston Canal Group fundraising gig on Friday...what you can't see here is that she'd had to down a Southern Comfort and lemonade to steady her nerves, even though she's done this sort of things loads of times before...she said she was a 'bit rusty'... I say she was spot on!!! And talking of 'charity gigs'.......

......if you were in Dalton Road on Saturday afternoon, you will know what this was all about!!
And Greengate were in the thick of it, as always!
The 'Flash mob' was organised by the National Autistic Society, Furness Branch, and Greengate knows how much support they give to children and families, so we had to get involved. It was great fun, and a real 'coup' for Barrow!
The SteveHillmanCamera has been out on one of it's jolly jaunts again this week...this was taken on the way up to Brockhole on Thursday...Ulverston looking lovely as he passed so he couldn't's one of the Lakeland Low Fells taken whilst he was up there too!
Actually, it's no wonder we are shattered by the weekend!! Roll on half-term! Oh, and here's one for our friend Wedgie, continuing the 'tea and sympathy' theme.....

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