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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

29th October, 2014...Furness Abbey and York Minster!

After a very busy half-term, then weekend of weddings and wedding fairs, we actually managed a couple of days away, and where better than York, to view the Minster!

What a stunning building....standing there, you can't take in the engineering it has taken, across about 800 years of it's life.
Inside, there are now different exhibition stands, charting the history of the actual building of the Minster, from the first stone being laid, up to now, where the constant repairs are taking place to glass and slabs. Fascinating!
If you are interested in ancient buildings, it's an exceptional display in an exceptional place!
And the other family members were intrigued too!
Candles have been lit...ghosts have been hunted!
It does get you thinking about how stone masons and builders crafted Furness Abbey...wooden scaffolding and lots of rope I guess, but actual stone carving doesn't seem possible in cold, damp Furness, with crude tools and mud everywhere, and relatively soft stone....unbelievable. There was the opportunity to purchase a piece of old limestone that had been removed and replaced from the Minster, and it was tempting.....but it felt wrong to remove pieces of the original building and cart them off to Cumbria...they seem to be crying out to stay together!! Mr Hillman thinks I'm a bit batty, but it was weird!
Lovely hotel though, ten yards from the Minster, so spooky at was originally built to house the visiting Minster clergy...hence the name!
Lot's of other fascinating Tudor buildings too...look at Mulberry Hall, which is now a shop!
And if you like all things Tudor, the latest 'Shardlake' is just as good as all the others!!
So, after a few days of Yorkshire's history, we headed down to Furness Abbey for something more local!
And what a beautiful morning it was.....unlike the 'biblical' rain that was falling when we got back into Cumbria yesterday tea  time....what was that all about?!
Abbey Mill had a cosy look about it....another building with an uncanny sense of history when you go inside!
Spectacular views from the top this morning too!!! That has definitely been my kind of holiday week, and the 'old dears' have been married for thirty years come Monday!!
And here are our 'diva' children!! Where did they come from!!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

19th October, 2014...Charity gigs and Zombies!

This was one of those weeks that we just had to get through, but weirdly it ended on a high note!! It was very windy when we got down to Furness Abbey today, and...yes....I am as shattered as I look in this photo!

We're that disorganised at the moment, we couldn't even cobble together enough for a cup of tea at Abbey Mill when we got down here!!
It is looking rather autumnal and muted down here at the moment! On the 'cup of tea' front, we headed up to Dalton to visit Mr.Hillman senior, who is recovering from a rather serious operation...but not to weak to offer us that cup of tea, which was great. Here he is earlier on this year after his Land Rover jaunt.
After the Monday morning operation for Raymond here,the week continued with some separate but sad news, and our thoughts are with that family, then our good friend Wedge had her operation cancelled...this was all before mid day Monday. It has definitely been a week for 'tea and sympathy'!
The beck is filling up again, further along it's journey, but up by Manor Farm it seems to have been blocked off?
Here's our daughter playing at the Ulverston Canal Group fundraising gig on Friday...what you can't see here is that she'd had to down a Southern Comfort and lemonade to steady her nerves, even though she's done this sort of things loads of times before...she said she was a 'bit rusty'... I say she was spot on!!! And talking of 'charity gigs'.......

......if you were in Dalton Road on Saturday afternoon, you will know what this was all about!!
And Greengate were in the thick of it, as always!
The 'Flash mob' was organised by the National Autistic Society, Furness Branch, and Greengate knows how much support they give to children and families, so we had to get involved. It was great fun, and a real 'coup' for Barrow!
The SteveHillmanCamera has been out on one of it's jolly jaunts again this week...this was taken on the way up to Brockhole on Thursday...Ulverston looking lovely as he passed so he couldn't's one of the Lakeland Low Fells taken whilst he was up there too!
Actually, it's no wonder we are shattered by the weekend!! Roll on half-term! Oh, and here's one for our friend Wedgie, continuing the 'tea and sympathy' theme.....

Sunday, 12 October 2014

12th October, 2014.....Kit Wright and the Daffodil!

Terrible weather earlier this week....Greengate 'little ones' didn't make it to Furness Abbey on Monday, or to HayBridge Nature reserve, but by Wednesday the sun had come out and our older kids were heading to Grasmere. We had the opportunity to listen to a reading by the poet Kit Wright and to visit Dove Cottage and the museum, so off we went.

'Out at the edge of town
where black trees
crack their fingers
in the icy wind
and hedges freeze
on their shadows
and the breath of cattle,
still as boulders,
hangs in rags
under the rolling moon,
a man is walking

Kids loved it....and we got to eat our lunch on the patio of the Daffodil Hotel too, which was lovely!
Talking of lovely hotels, the SteveHillman camera was at Broadoaks in Troutbeck yesterday.....that is a nice venue....we seem to be spending a lot of time up in the Lake District lately!
We even managed a day off today, and headed to Abbey Mill for some lunch, only to find that because of the lovely weather every man and his dog had arrived there before us and taken our seats!!
Drat!!! We had a lovely walk though!
Beautiful autumnal colour here at the moment....I used some Furness Abbey photos in our Harvest Assembly on Friday. Our parents were very generous as usual, and we listened to some lovely poems about autumn from our children.
A nice way to end the week! One of my jobs this weekend has been to write the 'Christmas Play' letters and suddenly I did we get to this point seems like only five minutes ago that we brought the old year six children down to Furness Abbey for their last day out, in we're talking Christmas!!
I could see a jay in the trees but it wouldn't come down....happily, the beck is filling up again!
Frankie's Dalton mates having been talking about Poaka Beck and he had no idea where it was...we drove from Colony Candles to Ireleth today to show is lovely up on the fells by Marton!