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Monday, 5 May 2014

5th May, 2014...Monks and Linthwaite for the Bank Holiday!

Not as warm a weekend as last May Bank Holiday and SteveHillmanPhotography had to shoot a wedding slap bang in the middle of it, so photos from two visits today (and some beautiful ones of Linthwaite House, yesterday's wedding venue...congrats to Steve and Laura!)

We found these photos of Frankie at the Abbey in our was 2005!!
He's must have cost us a fortune in Jack Wolfskin coats over the years!!
Lovely bluebell and harebell displays down here just now....
....much earlier than last year, as is the wild garlic,if you look back at the blog. Frankie is a bit paranoid about the massive increase in sheep ticks this year too...we haven't really had any hard frosts to hold things back have we??
Spotted these on the river today down here....
...and him up the tree on Saturday!!!
YES... it is a man and his shopping up the tree!! Don't know how that ended, as we didn't stick around!
In our 'secret cuckoo pint' place there are now lots of them, again it has been perfect weather for them this season! There were some actual MONKS inside the Abbey ruins today! Okay...just men dressed up, but it was really interesting, and lovely to stand by their  cooking fire, chatting!
We did get cautioned by one of the brothers though, for holding hands....they were 'bled' four times a year to help them resist the 'sins of the flesh' he said sadly!!
What a beautiful place Linthwaite House was, says Mr H....perfect for a Lake District wedding, even in the rain!
Finally, if only people would just get it.......
...and my heroes of the weekend.....
.....congratulations Greengate make our day, every day!!

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