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Sunday, 18 May 2014

18th May, 2014...temperatures highest yet this year!!

Phew...what a scorching weekend! Abbey House wedding yesterday...lucky bride to have such glorious , a day off today finally! Furness Abbey looking gorgeous in the sunshine, with all the May blossom out!

Steve Hillman doing his 'thing' again....does he ever stop?? I laughed so much at a story he told me about one wedding he the evening (many drinks later) a guy staggered over to him and offered to fax him through some of the photos he had snapped of the wedding on his disposable camera "in case yours don't work out mate" he said!!!! For the typical wedding, 900 shots are taken so that perfection can be achieved, so NO, SteveHillmanPhotography does not need snaps from the guests!!
Unfortunately, Frank's hay fever is back with a vengeance!
No wonder really, spring flowers are having a fantastic sign of any roses in my garden yet though!
Perfect weather for midges too....
......yes midges, look closely...this is how the river appeared today!! They were flying in 'figure-of-eight' circuits! Why??
It was still idyllic though....perfect English countryside, with all its sights, sounds and smells and pleasant warmth! Roll on half-term (it will probably rain!!). SATs are over for another year....what a farce... after all the work I'd done on metric measurement, one question required the kids to circle the best estimate for the weight of an apple......2g or  2mg or 200g or 20kg or 200kg...what utter nonsense!!! Still, we all had a laugh about it afterwards! Kids can relax now and look forward to some real end of year adventures...they deserve it!
How weird... a cotton bud plant...what is it doing growing down here??
We spotted our buzzard friend with the damaged wing, whom we haven't seen for ages. He was circling for some dinner. We have a sparrow hawk which swoops down into our back garden from time to time, on the unsuspecting doves and smaller birds, but this week the seagulls and jackdaws were obviously staging a 'fight back' and ganged together to attack it in the skies over Hawcoat....just when you haven't got your camera!
How one can keep up with my walking (except for Mrs Mac!)!

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