Although the morning weather hasn't been too good over the past few days, scorching sunshine (more alliteration) has always arrived (!) by noon, and today was no exception!
Lunch time rush on at Abbey Mill Café....people have good taste, and vote with their feet round here!
Some lovely flowers and meadowland down here at the moment.....
......crab apple blossom.....
....and what we though at first was a wasps nest, turned out to be this little drone plane surveying the fields down here!
But worryingly, the 'yobs' have been down here, and there is some litter and vandalism annoying!
Come on Barrow Borough Council, deploy some man power on patrol down here, even if it is only PCSOs you can spare!
Some lovely views down here today though.....It was such a nice day that we headed off down to the Dock Museum later on, to find it CLOSED on a Bank Holiday! What???
Didn't stop this sheepdog having a dip though!!
Or this oyster catcher having a paddle!
It was rather lovely, and tranquil with a warm sea breeze blowing....but we couldn't have a cup of tea in the café...drat! Mr Hillman and I are having this conversation at the moment, and it runs on and on, that we want to open a tea room when we retire.....I say we should call it 'Billy Bunter's' and he gets annoyed and says 'that makes you Mrs. Bunter', and so it goes on!!

Anyhow, Happy Birthday to my old pal and sparring partner Mr. Leigh, and here we are in the VERY olden days!!
We just look like old biddy teachers now !!