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Sunday, 2 December 2012

2nd December, 2012

Frosty, very cold morning, but we had to go to the Abbey today, as the medieval re-enactment group where down there, presenting a 'history fair'.
The guys looked really cold, but they kept themselves warm with practice sword fights and a wood fire. Frankie tried on some chain- mail, but he is a bit soft for sword fighting!

It was very cold down here today, and there weren't as many people as usual visiting. I hope more come later on to support the event- the Abbey needs more events like this to gain people's interest. The guys today were showing authentic crafts and domestic work from the middle ages- it was really interesting.

The standing water that had pooled around grassy areas down here, has now frozen, and there are some pretty lethal areas underfoot. You have to wonder what else the weather will throw at Furness!

Finally, here's our poor, frozen baby ring-dove. There was nothing we could do- my brother thought it had probably got far too cold being out of the nest, and was already almost in a coma before it crawled into our garden. I've been out to buy an extra bird- feeder today, so at least all the little birds around by us won't starve!

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