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Friday, 21 December 2012

21st December, 2012

Hooray! The Christmas holidays! It was very quiet down here today, with just a thin sliver of blue sky, but air that felt dank and quite close.
As you can see from these photos taken on Thursday afternoon, the rain had caused water levels to rise again, and the Red River is now very fast flowing and full.

We have heard this goose(I think it is a Canadian goose?) honking in the back garden of the cottage for months now, but he finally showed himself to us today!
It was so quiet and calm down here today, it was amost ghostly- it made me think of that poem by John Keats-'La Belle Dame sans merci..' "Oh, what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, alone and palely loitering,The sedge is whithered from the lake, and no birds sing". These photos match the mood I think... look it up and read it!
Very ghostly...!

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