We spotted some interesting bird life again today. We got much nearer to the kestrel, which seems to be nesting on one of the highest points of the actual abbey church ruin, and we also saw this grey and yellow bird feeding on insects in the grass of the abbey cloister. Is it a grey wagtail??
The little river that runs alongside the main Red River is completely still today- it's not flowing and looks quite unpleasant- it must be blocked somewhere along it's course, so I hope it doesn't flood again, or all the stuff in it will overspill onto the abbey cloister lawns.
The ground is still saturated, and the poor sheep are soaked and have very muddy hooves-this doesn't seem to stop them frantically grazing though!
Perhaps he's thinking...well, I'm wet anyway.....may as well go for a swim!

It was looking like twighlight, even though it was only 12.45pm-my mum insists that it is getting a bit lighter for longer every afternoon, since December 21st....... she will say this now until August!
'Soon be spring', said Frankie, leaving his coat behind in the car (but not for long!).